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The Mandalorian Parsec Passion | Star Wars

Jun 23, 2022

The Rematch of the Century: Aunt Beru vs Reva! The Parsec Passion Podcast crew talk the latest Disney+ Star Wars series OBI-WAN KENOBI part 6: Rock Fight! The Ben vs Darth Vader fight is an all-time classic! 

Ewan McGregor! Hayden Christensen! Leia! Luke! Emperor Palpatine! Qui-Gon Jinn!  Let's go!

What did you...

Jun 16, 2022

Vader wants Ben dead! Does Ben want Vader dead? Reva wants something we didn't know! The Parsec Passion Podcast crew talk the latest Disney+ Star Wars series OBI-WAN KENOBI part 5: Revenge of the 5th (brother who doesn't appear in this episode, that is)

Ewan McGregor! Hayden Christensen! De-Aged and Engaged...

Jun 15, 2022

Ben's bacta bathing at the same time as his bestie Vader, while 'lil Leia's having a staring contest with Reva! The Parsec Passion Podcast crew talk the latest Disney+ Star Wars series OBI-WAN KENOBI part 4: How Obi Got His Groove Back (submitted by double L Laura McMillion) 

Ewan McGregor! Hayden Christensen! And the...

Jun 3, 2022

Ben Kenobi (don't call him Obi-Wan) catches up with an old friend from school and it is lit! The Parsec Passion Podcast crew talk the latest Disney+ Star Wars series OBI-WAN KENOBI part 3. 

Ewan McGregor! Hayden Christensen! is back! But really, it's DARTH VADER is back! oh yeah, there's also Freck.

Musical Expert...